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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spanish Learning Strategies

The learning strategies of language learners have been researched extensively. (See, e.g., Brown, 2000; Oxford, 1990; Rubin & Thompson, 1982; Shipman & Shipman, 1985; Stevick, 1976). This research focuses on English-speaking students learning a foreign language and on non-English speakers learning English.

Monday, April 13, 2009

College Financing

Like all sectors of post-secondary education, community colleges face the challenge of generating sufficient revenue to uphold their missions. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stress and Young Children

Traditionally, stress has been defined in terms of its source (e.g., internal and external) (Marion, 2003). Internal sources of stress include hunger; pain; sensitivity to noise, temperature change, and crowding (social density); fatigue; and over- or under-stimulation from one's immediate physical environment. External stressors include separation from family, change in family composition, exposure to arguing and interpersonal conflict, exposure to violence, experiencing the aggression of others (bullying), loss of important personal property or a pet, exposure to excessive expectations for accomplishment, "hurrying," and disorganization in one's daily life events.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mental retardation

Mental retardation is a complex phenomenon, and fundamental beliefs about it regularly change over time. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Teacher-Child Interaction in Preschools

The quality of the interactions between teachers and young children has long been a topic of discussion among early childhood educators and others concerned with young children's development. 

Foreign Language Programs

Schools and school districts across the United States are establishing and expanding foreign language programs. Although most programs are found at the secondary school level, an increasing number are being established in elementary schools.