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Monday, October 12, 2009

Social Competences

Schools are under pressure to create safe, orderly and effective learning environments where students acquire social as well as academic skills that will allow them to succeed in school and beyond.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Early Childhood Education

What is the best approach for teaching young children? No question could be more pressing as teachers, researchers, and policy makers strive to make sure all children are "ready to learn."

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

H1N1 Education

The fresh flu crisis together with the spread of the H1N1 influenza virus has prompted several people to take more precautions to preserve themselves from infection, especially in areas where cases of the virus have been set firm.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Swine Flu Prevention

The swine flu news is catching on the spotlight in the media everyday. With the current economy crisis, this form of influenza spreading is definitely hitting more woes on the already black scene.

Monday, August 10, 2009

H1N1 and School

There is good news and bad news regarding the swine flu. The good news is that the legislature indicates that a vaccine for H1N1 may be available by November. However, the bad news is that flu season most often begins in September. This means that your school age children may be endangered to the H1N1 before a vaccine is ready. So what are the risks and what can you do now to make safe your school age children?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Age of Accountability

To outsiders, the role of the school superintendent has always been a little mystifying. Most people can explain that the superintendent is the ultimate "person in charge," but what superintendents actually do remains vague.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

College Attendance

One of the motives for seeking an education in the community college is to increase earnings. Because greater income and improved job status are associated with higher living standards, the community college can also act as a bridge to enhanced social mobility.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Teaching Shakespeare

The Technology in Education 2001 Survey (Market Data Retrieval, 2001) reveals that nearly 70% of schools report that the majority of their teachers use the Internet for instructional purposes, and more than 70% use computers on a daily basis. Parallel to the rapid growth in the number of users of Web sites has been an exponential growth in the number of sites, challenging the efforts of teachers and parents to identify and select the most relevant sites for any particular project (Lu, 1999). This is particularly true for subjects or topics as exhaustively represented on the Web as William Shakespeare and the teaching of his works.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Literature Circles

Literature circles are a topic of interest to various literacy educators, and their use has been discussed in a variety of academic journals, conference papers, and workshops. Teachers at all grade levels utilize literature circles as a vehicle through which students learn to: think critically about literature, express their ideas in oral and written forms, and better enjoy their literacy experiences.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

We've got news! now has a news service!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Vocational Education

Businesses and education, once seen as competing enterprises, and at times, fundamental enemies, have recently begun to embrace one another to create a more holistic, well-rounded education that satisfies both the demands for skilled employees as well as knowledgeable, or intellectually capable citizens.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Childwood Education

What is the best approach for teaching young children? No question could be more pressing as teachers, researchers, and policy makers strive to make sure all children are "ready to learn."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Civic Education

Civic education is the teaching of knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to become a responsible and effective citizen of a representative and constitutional democracy. Since the founding of the United States of America ...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

College Degree

The escalating cost of higher education is causing many to question the value of continuing education beyond high school. Many wonder whether the high cost of tuition, the opportunity cost of choosing college over full-time employment, and the accumulation of thousands of dollars of debt is, in the long run, worth the investment ...

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Higher Education

Reform initiatives are numerous in American higher education. Their messages and hopes are widely documented through conferences, journals, newsletters, and funded projects. Many membership associations, networks and informal alliances actively promote new directions for higher education.

Monday, May 25, 2009

How People Learn

At an educational conference last spring, I attended a session focused on the potential of instructional technology to transform teaching and learning in schools. One of the speakers told a story about his 14-year-old son who, like himself, loved technology toys and always had to have the latest and greatest new thing to come on the market. One day, this son went to school after downloading to his Palm Pilot[TM] the program from the TV remote control. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

College Rankings

The popularity of college ranking surveys published by U.S. News and World Report, Money magazine, Barron's, and many others is indisputable. However, the methodologies used in these reports to measure the quality of higher education institutions have come under fire by scholars and college officials. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Develop English Language and Literacy

Immigrant students of secondary school age face a number of obstacles as they make the transition to schooling in the United States. In addition to adjusting to a new country and school system, they must also learn academic content in a new language. Because these students come from a variety of ethnic, educational, and economic backgrounds, representing a host of cultures, languages, and educational needs, it is often difficult to provide instruction tailored to their specific needs.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Developing Social Competence for All Students

Schools are under pressure to create safe, orderly and effective learning environments where students acquire social as well as academic skills that will allow them to succeed in school and beyond. This pressure has emerged from real disciplinary challenges combined with wariness of school violence sensationalized in the media.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Teacher Education at the Community College: Partnership and Collaboration

The U.S. Department of Education predicts that nearly 40% of public school teachers will retire within the next few years. This prospect, coupled with a dramatic rise in school enrollments, means that the United States can anticipate hiring two million new elementary and secondary teachers in the next decade (Stroup, 2002).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Serving Students with Disabilities at the Community College

People with disabilities make up the single largest minority group in the United States. Over the past ten years the traditional profile of disabled persons as older, poorer, less educated and less likely to be employed has begun to change. This is due in part to a "dramatic increase" in the number of students with disabilities who are seeking higher education.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Spanish for Spanish Speakers

The increasing number of students who enter U.S. schools from homes where languages other than English are spoken, and the recognition that proficiency in non-English languages is a valuable national resource, have generated interest in the field of heritage language instruction. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spanish Learning Strategies

The learning strategies of language learners have been researched extensively. (See, e.g., Brown, 2000; Oxford, 1990; Rubin & Thompson, 1982; Shipman & Shipman, 1985; Stevick, 1976). This research focuses on English-speaking students learning a foreign language and on non-English speakers learning English.

Monday, April 13, 2009

College Financing

Like all sectors of post-secondary education, community colleges face the challenge of generating sufficient revenue to uphold their missions. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stress and Young Children

Traditionally, stress has been defined in terms of its source (e.g., internal and external) (Marion, 2003). Internal sources of stress include hunger; pain; sensitivity to noise, temperature change, and crowding (social density); fatigue; and over- or under-stimulation from one's immediate physical environment. External stressors include separation from family, change in family composition, exposure to arguing and interpersonal conflict, exposure to violence, experiencing the aggression of others (bullying), loss of important personal property or a pet, exposure to excessive expectations for accomplishment, "hurrying," and disorganization in one's daily life events.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mental retardation

Mental retardation is a complex phenomenon, and fundamental beliefs about it regularly change over time. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Teacher-Child Interaction in Preschools

The quality of the interactions between teachers and young children has long been a topic of discussion among early childhood educators and others concerned with young children's development. 

Foreign Language Programs

Schools and school districts across the United States are establishing and expanding foreign language programs. Although most programs are found at the secondary school level, an increasing number are being established in elementary schools. 

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Transforming Principal Preparation

As standards-based school reform nears its twentieth anniversary, policymakers continue to assert the need for strong principal leadership, and with good reason. Virtually every state, as well as the federal government, puts accountability for results directly at the school level. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Keys To Obtaining And Refinancing Your College Loan

The importance of education cannot be denied. However, getting a good education today requires a lot of money. For a student from an average economical background, a good education could be quite out of reach without external financial help. In such circumstances, obtaining a student loan is the best option for him or her. This is a loan that is taken out to pay for the borrower’s college education.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Interactive Language Learning on the Web

The wealth of information available on the Web affords teachers and learners access to language learning resources like never before. Online journals, listservs, newspapers, and magazines provide authentic material for language learners, while teachers can find lesson plans and ideas, exercises, assessment tools, and other materials for use in their classes. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Adult Teaching and Learning

Narrative and stories in education have been the focus of increasing attention in recent years. The idea of narrative is fertile ground for adult educators who know intuitively the value of stories in teaching and learning. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Work-Based Learning

Recent educational approaches that have career and technical education (CTE) components, such as Tech Prep, career academies, and High Schools That Work, have striven to integrate work experience with traditional academics; similarly, school-to-work (STW) by definition is composed of school-based learning, work-based learning (WBL), and bridging activities. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Class Size Reduction

Researchers have long investigated whether smaller classes improve student achievement. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

10 reasons to go to college

Life is full of options and choices. The choices we make shape our future. As we stand at the cross roads after high school we must have the right vision to make the decision to go to college.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Quality in Distance Education

Distance education can have high quality. It is not a myth that this can happen. However it must be done carefully so that impact in student education is not seen or foresseable.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tips for Getting Online Degrees

In this age of digital technology, more people are turning to the internet to obtain education. Now, it’s easier than ever to get an online degree from one of many internet colleges, schools and universities offering distance learning and education. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Online Education Study

Online education is becoming increasingly popular because it allows people who may not ordinarily have the opportunity to get qualifications, to do so. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Online Education VS. Traditional Education

These days, the internet has grown into a veritable wealth of information for college seekers. Everything from applying for financial aid to taking a course can be accomplished online.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Are You Thinking Of Online Education?

Though the benefits of getting education or earning an online degree are many, I will discuss just a few. The major reason many people are going for online education is because of two things. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bullying in Early Adolescence

A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated the seriousness of bullying in American schools. In a nationally representative sample of over 15,686 students in the United States (grades 6 through 10), 29.9% self-reported frequent involvement in bullying at school, with 13% participating as a bully, 10.9% as a victim, and 6% as both (Nansel et al., 2001). 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Class Size Reduction and Urban Students

Researchers have long investigated whether smaller classes improve student achievement. Their conclusions suggest that class size reduction (CSR) can result in greater in-depth coverage of subject matter by teachers, enhanced learning and stronger engagement by students, more personalized relationships between teachers and students, and safer schools with fewer discipline problems (Cohen, Miller, Stonehill, & Geddes, 2000; Hertling, Leonard, Lumsden, & Smith, 2000; Thompson & Cunningham, 2001). Thus, in 1999 Congress began appropriating funds so that schools could hire additional teachers and invest in other CSR measures. Federal CSR funds for the 2001-2 school year totaled $1.6 billion, and allocations are now included in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Class Size Reduction, 2002).

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Improve Student Achievement

Whatever controversies the accountability movement has generated, a decade of standards-based reform has created consensus on at least one point: Student achievement is the ultimate measure of educational value.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Counseling College Student Athletes

Introduction College student athletes have long been the most recognized, yet unofficial, special population on college campuses nationwide (Valentine & Taub, 1999). Misconceptions and stereotypical viewpoints have hindered the development of effective counseling interventions with this population. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Strategy Instruction

For more than two decades there has been an abundance of research regarding strategy instruction. Originally, most of this research focused on the effects of strategy instruction on students with learning disabilities. Researchers are currently looking at how strategy instruction affects all learners.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time and Learning

Since the National Commission on Time and Learning released Prisoners of Time in 1994, the use of time in school has come under increasing scrutiny. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inducting School Leaders

If experienced principals find their jobs to be exhausting and stressful-and most surveys indicate they do-then what is it like for newcomers? Not surprisingly, words such as "lost," "overwhelmed," and "shell-shocked" pervade the literature on first-year principals.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Keys To Obtaining And Refinancing Your College Loan

The importance of education cannot be denied. However, getting a good education today requires a lot of money. For a student from an average economical background, a good education could be quite out of reach without external financial help. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

College Planning Starts Early

No more than a few years ago, college planning started in 12th grade where it was the first time students learned about the SAT tests and build their list of colleges. Times have change with many students currently beginning their planning as early as 9th grade. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

New look just changed its look as well as Keep connected for more news over the next days.