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Saturday, July 25, 2009

College Attendance

One of the motives for seeking an education in the community college is to increase earnings. Because greater income and improved job status are associated with higher living standards, the community college can also act as a bridge to enhanced social mobility.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Teaching Shakespeare

The Technology in Education 2001 Survey (Market Data Retrieval, 2001) reveals that nearly 70% of schools report that the majority of their teachers use the Internet for instructional purposes, and more than 70% use computers on a daily basis. Parallel to the rapid growth in the number of users of Web sites has been an exponential growth in the number of sites, challenging the efforts of teachers and parents to identify and select the most relevant sites for any particular project (Lu, 1999). This is particularly true for subjects or topics as exhaustively represented on the Web as William Shakespeare and the teaching of his works.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Literature Circles

Literature circles are a topic of interest to various literacy educators, and their use has been discussed in a variety of academic journals, conference papers, and workshops. Teachers at all grade levels utilize literature circles as a vehicle through which students learn to: think critically about literature, express their ideas in oral and written forms, and better enjoy their literacy experiences.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

We've got news! now has a news service!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Vocational Education

Businesses and education, once seen as competing enterprises, and at times, fundamental enemies, have recently begun to embrace one another to create a more holistic, well-rounded education that satisfies both the demands for skilled employees as well as knowledgeable, or intellectually capable citizens.